PiP & PoP - Devlog-2

So, last day of Gamejam, things got busy for me last week so I couldn't work much on the game, it's safe to say,  I'm satisfied yet a bit disappointed. While I managed to cover the bare basic features for my game I still couldn't add as much as I thought I could,. new features added more bug to work on. othere than this, this experience helped me realize few things about myself,, rekindled my curiosity and gave me a new perspective on both, how I see games and how I'd go about making them.

PostJam status

I'm not quite sure if I'm gonna keep working in this, but I've had a blast working on this project and I've already set my eyes on other Game Jam hosted here, so for the few folks that read this... stay tuned.

In future Devlogs, I'll post concept doodles and level layouts I did for this game.


Pip&Pop.zip Play in browser
Jul 26, 2020

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